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Configure and run xmrig in linux

Create the below service file at /etc/systemd/system/, if you're using debian.

Description = xmrig
After =

Type            = simple
User            = root
Group           = root
LimitNOFILE     = 4096
Restart         = always
RestartSec      = 5s
StartLimitIntervalSec=300  # Restart counter resets after 5 minutes
StartLimitBurst = 30  # Maximum 30 restarts within 5 minutes
StandardOutput  = /home/ramit/custom_logs/xmrig.log  # For stdout
StandardError   = /home/ramit/custom_logs/xmrig.err.log  # For stderr (optional)
ExecStart       = /home/ramit/projects/xmrig/build/xmrig

WantedBy =
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start xmrig.service
sudo systemctl status xmrig.service
sudo systemctl enable xmrig.service

Create a config file /root/.xmrig.json. This config file will have the xmrig options which will be used when the miner is executed.

By default, xmrig looks for the config file at the following locations:

You can create the file at any of the above locations.